Purchasing ChemoCap Products For Rental

Home/Purchasing ChemoCap Products For Rental



Chemocap products are guaranteed to deliver excellent results for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase when used as directed.


Prevents chemotherapy-induced hair loss.

Retail Price:  $185 per Chemocap
Fee Per Use:  $20 per Chemocap

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ChemoCap Gloves

Prevent chemotherapy-induced nail toxicity.

Retail Price:  $195 / pair of Gloves
Fee Per Use:  $25 / pair of Gloves

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Each patient requires the use of several ChemoCaps and ChemoGloves for each Chemotherapy treatment session. Each ChemoCap and ChemoGlove is designed for use once per day for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. The cost of acquiring several ChemoCaps and ChemoGloves is prohibitive for cancer patients facing chemotherapy treatments. In order to make our products available to cancer patients at an affordable price, we are introducing the Fee Per Use / Rental approach soon to be available at medical clinics, laser clinics, and health spas worldwide. Chemocap products are designed with the patient’s safety and comfort in mind. They are easy to use and guaranteed to deliver excellent results when used as directed.

Making The ChemoCap Available At Your Clinic

Medical practitioners, laser clinics, and health spas interested in purchasing Chemocaps and Chemogloves to make them available to cancer patients on a Fee Per Use / Rental basis are invited to email their inquiries to: chemocap@chemocap.com. All inquiries will be answered within 3 business days.

Free Listing on Our Official Website for Medical Clinics, Laser Clinics, and Health Spas

Medial clinics, laser clinics, and health spas providing the ChemoCap on a Fee Per Use to cancer patients will be listed FREE of charge on our official website under the heading Chemocap Rentals and will also benefit from our ongoing technical and marketing support. We look forward to joining forces with the health community to better serve cancer patients worldwide.

Assessing the Number of ChemoCaps Required by Patients According to Their Treatment

The duration of the chemotherapy infusion for each patient depends on the specific treatment prescribed by their physician.

Please Note: the ChemoCap maintains the required low temperature between -25°C and -30°C for a period of 40 minutes

  • The FIRST ChemoCap is worn by the patient 20 minutes before chemotherapy infusion begins and exchanged for a fresh cap 20 minutes into the infusion. The ChemoCap is then repaced by a fresh cap every 40 minutes until the infusion has ended.

  • The LAST ChemoCap worn by the patient should remain in place for at least 20 minutes after the infusion has ended

General Guidelines Based On a Two (2) Hour Chemotherapy Treatment Infusion Per Session

TWO HOURS: 120 minutes
Add: + 20 minutes before chemotherapy infusion begins
Add: + 20 minutes (minimum) after chemotherapy infusion has ended = 160 minutes
TOTAL: 160 minutes divided by 40 minutes (ChemoCap maintains -25°C to -30°C for 40 minutes ) = 4 ChemoCaps